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Women’s Workshop
Sunday 03 June, 2018
Berlin, Germany

Women’s workshop – Tantric Energetics with Krisana Locke :
Rediscover the intrinsic value of being a woman

Sunday 03 June – 07:00-18:00 > One day workshop 




In this workshop we bring light and awareness to the collective unconscious conditioning that we all absorbed as women and which affects how we relate to ourselves, and relating to others in our lives.

Women these days have the possibility to live their strength and power without giving up the beauty, ability to love and the grace of being a woman. In the past the woman’s strength and power used to be tied to a man: her father, husband or son.

Our aim is to find a new inner attitude to one’s own femininity and being a woman. Not in competition with the men or trying to be better men, but in contact and trust in their own intuition and in the unfolding of the original female creativity.

Together with other women, we experience the supportive and healing power of the female energy field and female essence.

During this workshop
Tantric Meditations for women
Active Meditations
Constellation work
Group process work
Dance, sound, silence


To register and to reserve a spot please send an email to:




OSHO STUDIO • Schlesische Str. 38, 10997 Berlin


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